Walk-In Flu Clinic
Who should get this vaccine? Everyone 6 months and older should get the flu vaccine every year
When should I get the flu vaccine? It is best to get your seasonal flu vaccine in October or November before flu season starts. However, it is never too late to get the flu vaccine.
Where should I get the flu vaccine? Walk-in Flu Clinics for Contra Costa Health Center
What should I bring? Bring your Cranberry medical cards with you and please be patient as there may be long lines. If you can't make it to the drop in times, then you may receive flu vaccine by calling the Treatment Nurse Appointment line at 1-800-495-8885.
What if I have trouble getting a flu vaccine? Please call 1-877-661-6230 (option #2) for Member Services or (option #1) for an Advice Nurse who is available 24 hour a day, 7 days a week.